The Best 3 Benefits of Under Desk Exercisers

As a busy mom with young kids, finding time to prioritize my own health and fitness can be a challenge. Between shuttling kids to and fro, running errands, and managing the household, it can be tough to carve out time for the gym or even a long walk around the neighborhood. That’s why I’ve started incorporating under desk exercisers into my daily routine.

For those unfamiliar with under desk exercisers, they’re small, portable machines that allow you to do low impact exercises while seated at your desk. They’re often pedal based and allow you to strengthen your legs, abs, and arms while you work.

There are three key benefits to using an under desk exerciser as a busy mom. First and foremost, they’re convenient. I can easily fit in a few minutes of exercise while my kids are occupied with an activity or while I’m answering emails at my home office desk. This means I don’t have to carve out a large chunk of time to fit in a workout, and I can still feel like I’m being productive and taking care of myself.

Under Desk Exerciser - Benefits

Under desk exercisers are also low impact, making them a great option for those of us who may be dealing with joint pain or other physical limitations. I have bad knees and can’t always do high impact exercises but using an under desk exerciser allows me to get in some movement without putting extra strain on my joints.

In addition to the physical benefits, using an under desk exerciser has also had a positive impact on my mental health. As a mom, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and forget to take care of myself. Taking just a few minutes to do some exercises while I’m working helps me feel more grounded and focused. It’s a small, simple act that can have a big impact on my overall wellbeing.

If you’re a busy mom like me and are looking for an easy and convenient way to incorporate more movement into your day, an under desk exerciser may be a great option for you. They’re affordable, portable, and can be used just about anywhere, making them a practical choice for busy moms on the go. So, if you’re looking for a way to boost your physical and mental health, consider giving an under-desk exerciser a try – you may be surprised at the difference it can make.

3 Benefits of Under Desk Exercisers

Under desk exercisers are a convenient and effective way to incorporate movement into your daily routine. Whether you’re a busy professional or a stay-at-home parent, these small and portable machines can help you get in a quick workout while sitting at your desk. There are several key benefits to using an under-desk exerciser including: convenience, low impact exercise, and mental health benefits. By taking just a few minutes out of your day to use an under desk exerciser, you can boost your physical and mental wellbeing without having to carve out a large chunk of time for traditional exercise.


Under Desk Exerciser - Convenience

One of the biggest benefits of under desk exercisers is their convenience. They are small and portable, so you can easily use them while sitting at your desk or even while traveling. This makes it easy to fit in a quick workout without having to carve out a large chunk of time.

Low Impact

Under desk exercisers are a low impact option for exercise, which can be helpful for those with joint pain or other physical limitations. They allow you to get in some movement without putting extra strain on your body.

Mental Health Benefits

Under Desk Exerciser - Mental Health

In addition to the physical benefits, using an under-desk exerciser can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Taking just a few minutes to do some exercises while you work can help you feel more grounded and focused.

What to do with your arms while exercising with an under desk exerciser

As for exercises you can do with your arms while using an under desk exerciser, there are several options. For example, you can use hand weights or resistance bands to do bicep curls or tricep dips. You can also try using hand grippers to strengthen your forearms and wrists. Alternatively, you can simply lift and lower your arms while pedaling to get in some arm movement.


An under desk exerciser can provide many benefits, including improved circulation, increased muscle strength, and improved mental focus. Additionally, using an under desk exerciser can help to burn calories and promote weight loss.

Looking for more ways to stay active at work, check out these exercises.

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