The 3 Best Pre-Workout Supplements

Knowing that you have an intense 1hr plus workout ahead of you can be daunting. But by taking a Pre-Workout Supplement, you can turn your early morning autopilot routine into an invigorating training session, or an afternoon slump into an ultra-productive workout.

For certain types of weightlifters, there’s nothing like the feeling that comes along with taking a pre-workout and then hitting the gym. The weights feel lighter, you can get more reps in, you can push yourself to do one more set with little effort.

But it isn’t just weightlifters that benefit from pre-workout supplements. Some cardio and cross training enthusiasts enjoy the extra boost pre-workout supplements provide. Let’s have a look at three great options.

Best Pre-Workout Powder (Updated List)

1Bad Athletics Pre Workout ABad Athletics Pre Workout PowderBest Overall
2AminoLean Pre WorkoutAminoLean Pre Workout PowderRunner Up
3Cira Pre WorkoutCirc Pre-Game Pre Workout PowderGood Value

Why You Should Get A Pre-Workout Supplement

Pre-Workout Supplement can give you that little extra boost to get the most out of your workout. It can also increase your endurance, energy, and focus during your workout routine. And they are great for all areas of exercise – weightlifting, cardio, even cross training.

What to Look for When Buying Pre-Workout Supplement

Everyone has different preferences on what is important or not when deciding on a Pre-Workout Supplement, but I want to offer my opinion on the most important things to consider when purchasing Pre-Workout Supplement.

Look for Solubility

There is nothing worse than trying to get your pre-workout drink down and you are met with clump after clump. Make sure your supplement is soluble in all liquids and all temperatures of liquids.

Look at container serving size

Pre-workout supplements can be costly when you are purchasing too often. Look for the serving size of at least 30 full servings

Check the ingredient list

Natural is always best, so make sure you read the label and look for artificial anything – sweeteners and dyes

Pre-Workout Supplements Reviews

Here are 3 reviews of the best Pre-Workout Supplements

1. Bad Athletics Pre-Workout Powder (Best Overall)

Bad Athletics Pre Workout A

Don’t get fooled by the name, there is nothing bad about Bad Athletics Pre-Workout Powder. It is made with no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors, comes in multiple flavors and a 30 serving size container.

When you need some extra energy, focus, and endurance, Bad Athletics is the right choice.


  • Great for beginner supplement takers
  • Designed for women
  • Easy to digest


  • Taste

2. AminoLean Pre-Workout Powder (Runner Up)

AminoLean Pre Workout

AminoLean Pre-Workout Powder is an energy boosting powder with weight management benefits.

Formulated with natural caffeine and amino acids in five tasty flavors, this 30 serving container will have you crushing your workouts.


  • Keto friendly
  • Easy to blend
  • Minimal caffeine, less jitters


  • Taste
  • Hard to digest

3. Circ Pre-Game Pre-Workout Powder (Viable Option)

Cira Pre Workout

Candy flavors are not always a go to choice in a pre-workout drink, that is why Circ Pre-Game Pre-Workout Powder only comes in fruit based flavors.

Circ Pre-Game Pre-Workout Powder increases your endurance, focus, and strength. It also promotes a healthy gut and improves blood flow.


  • Mixes easy
  • No jitters


  • Too sweet
  • Hard to digest


Here are some commonly asked questions about Pre-Workout Supplements

Can pre-workout supplement provide mental focus?

Yes, you can notice greater mental focus while increasing your energy.

Does pre-workout supplement help with weight loss?

No, not on it’s own. When combined with regular workouts and a healthy diet you could see weight loss.

Are pre-work supplements keto friendly?



This concludes my list of some endurance boosting, mind focusing pre-workout supplements, with Bad Athletics Pre-Workout Powder coming out on top.

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